
Most of the activities of the EYP are organised by the National Committees of EYP, operating in 40 European countries. However, an international organisation spanning such an amount of different countries also needs an international organisation to co-ordinate activities. At the international level the Schwarzkopf Foundation acts as the umbrella organisation for the EYP and the activities are governed by the Governing Body of the European Youth Parliament.

National Committees

The EYP is legally established in 40 European countries. The National Committees of the EYP are at heart of the EYP. On an international level they are represented through the “Board of National Committees (BNC)”.

An important part of the National Committees’ work is to select the delegation that will represent their country at one of the three yearly International Sessions. To this end, many National Committees organise a selection process, often including regional and national conferences, all judged by an independent jury. The exact method used varies from country to country. It should be added that usually students are selected as school teams, rather than as individuals.

All those who are involved in the running of these National Committees do so voluntarily, with EYP alumni, teachers, and other interested people working without recompense to give a new generation the chance to discover what the European Youth Parliament is all about.

The Governing Body

At the international level, the EYP is governed by an international board, the Governing Body. The Governing Body has six members elected by the National Committees and by the alumni of past sessions. A representative of the Schwarzkopf Foundation is also a member. The Governing Body is responsible for steering EYP into the future. It does so by facilitating the general development of the organisation, guiding its policies, and working on the quality assurance of International Sessions, as well as long term sustainability and protection of the Organisation.

The International Office in Berlin

The day-to-day business of the organisation is administered by an EYP office located in Berlin. An Executive Director runs the office, and is responsible for supervision of the International Sessions according to the quality guidelines of the GB, research, start and fostering of international fundraising, establishment and fostering of cooperation with other organisations, contact with National Committees, and all other administrative matters.